Thursday, June 27, 2013

Food for the Brain 7

Some people seem to have things easy for them while others seem to be struggling just to make it at the end of each day. Others seem to find it easy pleasing people, saying and doing the right things. They need not worry about making a great impression because it comes naturally to them. I wish I was that kind of person. I wish I could be confident. That's why I find it hard to do things like pleasing people even in little ways because I just don't think I have a talent for it. It's hard for me. I tell myself that I'll repay that person for the good things he/she has done to me in a big way, thinking that by doing so I have repaid that person that equates to what he/she has done for me. But the problem with that kind of thinking is that a long time may have passed before you could actually return the favor. And it might be too late.

The only thing I can advice anyone is to be themselves. Don't try too hard to make a good impression or to please others. If they like you for you, then that's the greatest compliment you can get. Like what they say, better to be hated for who you are than to be loved for what you are not.

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