Monday, July 8, 2013

Selflessness and Genuineness

It always amazes me how I can never forget that certain event that happened years ago. I was around 8 years old and was in school. I don't remember all the details but I had this classmate who was crying because he had no snack. I think his food fell on the floor or he lost his money, I can't remember. And I remember going to the canteen, buying a cupcake and giving it to him. Now, the thing with memories sometimes is that they're not that reliable so I'm not 100% sure that that's exactly what happened. Maybe what really happened was that I was the reason his food fell and out of guilty conscience bought him a cupcake to compensate. But everytime that memory flash out of nowhere, I am astonished at how I did not hesitate at all to buy him something even if it meant me not eating because I spent my money for him. The mere act of genuine concern is what moves me. I don't think I do that now, helping others without expecting anything in return. The opportunity never presented itself or maybe I chose to ignore it. I think it's hard to find many people doing things for others out of genuine concern but I know they still exist. It's just that we don't notice them. 

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