Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Food for the Brain 6

In my last days of Junior year and throughout my Senior year I became interested in Mills and Boon books. I don't read the modern Mills and Boon. I'm referring to the old ones. It's quite a good thing our school library had them. I enjoyed reading the different love stories and I loved how I was introduced into an earlier era of simple luxuries and technology-less world.

The one above caught my attention while reading one of the books. Isn't that what we all want? To be important? To be wanted? It's what everybody wants I'm sure. Sometimes, we think that we are loved and think of ourselves as someone important and when we find out that we we're not, it's life-shattering and makes us doubt our beliefs. We react in different ways. I guess when we know we are loved even if it's just one person, it'd be enough to face the world again.

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