Thursday, December 27, 2012

My Ideal Man

Hey. The man we want will not always be the man we get. Well, in my case, it's a question of will I ever have one? :D Anyways, I'd like to write down what I'd like my man to be if I ever get one. So here goes nothing...

He has to be tall. Taller than me. He should be white or pale but not sickly pale. He has to have muscles but not those who are too muscular. I want someone lean. Just the right size. And of course, he has to have the build of a man. Not fat and not thin. Just on the right weight. Oh and before I forget, he should be handsome.  :) Who wouldn't want to have a handsome man, right?

I'd like him to be rich. I know money isn't important but I'd really like to travel the world and he could help me out with that. I'd like him to tell me something like this, "I can take you to Paris, London, Tokyo, New York, anywhere in this world. Tell me where you want to go and I'll take you there." Isn't that just the sweetest? :) 

He doesn't smoke and drink. He doesn't have any tattoos. He doesn't have any criminal records. 

He is kind, patient, sweet, brave and funny. He is a gentleman. He loves kids. He respects other people. 

The most important thing is that he loves me. Loves me for who I am. He is trustworthy, honest and loyal. He understands me and can put up with all my weirdness. He can protect me and make me feel that I'm safe. 

I know that such a man with all those qualities doesn't exist in this world. But it doesn't hurt to dream, right? I mean we all have our own ideal man and I guess what I've written is mine. What I've written brings us to a second random fact about me: I'm a hopeless romantic. I'm a sucker for all things romantic. I love the happy endings and I admit that I cry in movies that are heartbreaking and beautiful.

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