Thursday, December 27, 2012

Making New Memories or Reliving Old Ones?

A friend asked me what I'd like to do: to make new memories or to relive the old ones? It caught me off guard. I couldn't answer it immediately. Actually, I didn't want to answer that question because I knew I'd go with reliving old ones. Part of me wanted to say otherwise but to be honest, I'm scared of making new ones because I'm afraid of trying out new things that I have no idea what the outcome will be, so I knew I'd go with the safe choice. My previous posts might clue you in on what I was going to choose. I know there's no point in dwelling in the past since we can't really change anything that has happened but things before were really great!

I seem to always find myself looking back at the past. Anything from the now that triggers memories from before makes me all nostalgic and sad. I hear this song or I smell something and it takes me back to the past. Takes me back to a memory that gives me warmth and make me smile. I wish I could go back in time to relive those moments. I know, i know...we should all keep moving forward but I just can't help it. 

To tell you the truth, I don't like what's happening in our world right now. It's become a sadder place. I don't know if it's a phase in everyone's life where they think their old days were better than where they are now, but I feel sorry for the new generation because they never got to experience real fun stuff. They are now being taken over by technology and internet. They are stuck inside their houses playing games when they could have gone outside and enjoy other children's company whilst playing under the sun. I see a lot of young ones holding Iphones and Ipads instead of toy cars and barbie dolls. It makes me sad.

The thing is I hate change. That's a random fact about me. I don't like it that much. That's maybe why I don't like what's become of the world now. I'm so attached to the idea of living life like the old days that I have trouble adjusting to the new ways of the world. Well, the best I can do is accept the fact that life will not remain as it was-that there will always be changes and try to live with it. 

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