Thursday, December 27, 2012

Food for the Brain 4

There is no such thing as the right time or right place or right anything. If you're planning on doing something, do it now while you still have the time because if you wait for the perfect time to do it, the chance might just pass you by silently and swiftly thereby missing your opportunity. What a loss. We ought to do things now not caring whether it's going to go well or not. Mistakes are a part of our life. It's where we learn so that we'll know what to do the next time.

My Ideal Man

Hey. The man we want will not always be the man we get. Well, in my case, it's a question of will I ever have one? :D Anyways, I'd like to write down what I'd like my man to be if I ever get one. So here goes nothing...

He has to be tall. Taller than me. He should be white or pale but not sickly pale. He has to have muscles but not those who are too muscular. I want someone lean. Just the right size. And of course, he has to have the build of a man. Not fat and not thin. Just on the right weight. Oh and before I forget, he should be handsome.  :) Who wouldn't want to have a handsome man, right?

I'd like him to be rich. I know money isn't important but I'd really like to travel the world and he could help me out with that. I'd like him to tell me something like this, "I can take you to Paris, London, Tokyo, New York, anywhere in this world. Tell me where you want to go and I'll take you there." Isn't that just the sweetest? :) 

He doesn't smoke and drink. He doesn't have any tattoos. He doesn't have any criminal records. 

He is kind, patient, sweet, brave and funny. He is a gentleman. He loves kids. He respects other people. 

The most important thing is that he loves me. Loves me for who I am. He is trustworthy, honest and loyal. He understands me and can put up with all my weirdness. He can protect me and make me feel that I'm safe. 

I know that such a man with all those qualities doesn't exist in this world. But it doesn't hurt to dream, right? I mean we all have our own ideal man and I guess what I've written is mine. What I've written brings us to a second random fact about me: I'm a hopeless romantic. I'm a sucker for all things romantic. I love the happy endings and I admit that I cry in movies that are heartbreaking and beautiful.

Making New Memories or Reliving Old Ones?

A friend asked me what I'd like to do: to make new memories or to relive the old ones? It caught me off guard. I couldn't answer it immediately. Actually, I didn't want to answer that question because I knew I'd go with reliving old ones. Part of me wanted to say otherwise but to be honest, I'm scared of making new ones because I'm afraid of trying out new things that I have no idea what the outcome will be, so I knew I'd go with the safe choice. My previous posts might clue you in on what I was going to choose. I know there's no point in dwelling in the past since we can't really change anything that has happened but things before were really great!

I seem to always find myself looking back at the past. Anything from the now that triggers memories from before makes me all nostalgic and sad. I hear this song or I smell something and it takes me back to the past. Takes me back to a memory that gives me warmth and make me smile. I wish I could go back in time to relive those moments. I know, i know...we should all keep moving forward but I just can't help it. 

To tell you the truth, I don't like what's happening in our world right now. It's become a sadder place. I don't know if it's a phase in everyone's life where they think their old days were better than where they are now, but I feel sorry for the new generation because they never got to experience real fun stuff. They are now being taken over by technology and internet. They are stuck inside their houses playing games when they could have gone outside and enjoy other children's company whilst playing under the sun. I see a lot of young ones holding Iphones and Ipads instead of toy cars and barbie dolls. It makes me sad.

The thing is I hate change. That's a random fact about me. I don't like it that much. That's maybe why I don't like what's become of the world now. I'm so attached to the idea of living life like the old days that I have trouble adjusting to the new ways of the world. Well, the best I can do is accept the fact that life will not remain as it was-that there will always be changes and try to live with it. 

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Late Night Babble

I'm bored. I want to do something but I don't know what. It's already late but I don't want to sleep yet. Well, actually I want to but I can't seem to just do it. I've just decided! I'm going to finish this post and then I'm going to sleep. I have a lot of things to do tomorrow..err, today so I better get some sleep.

What I'm going to write has something to do with money and clothes. If you've read a post of mine from long ago, you'd know I have a thing for fashion. When I'm in the mall, I pass by all these shops and the displays are just so gorgeous! I get this impulse of buying them but the problem is I don't have the money. I'm not rich which is kind of a good thing because if I was, I can already see myself buying every single thing that catches my eyes. I wouldn't care then if I'm going to wear it or not. I'll be joyously, merrily walking in and out of a shop with a silly grin on my mouth and lots of bags dangling in my arms. How I long to be as rich as Bill Gates! It sounds so far fetched but you never know. It might just happen. Optimism, people, is the key. And determination and hardwork of course.

Here's my wishlist:

L-R: leather shorts, white button down shirt, leather skirt, shiny red flats, and a lace up boots

It's Christmas soon. I'm just saying. :)

On another note, I've given my blog a new look. I changed my header and template. And it's not pink anymore. I think I'm going to stick with this for a very long time.

K, I'm going to sleep now. G'night!

Friday, December 7, 2012

Christmas 2012

Hey, hey, HEY! It's December. And everybody knows what that means, right? CHRISTMAS!

I always get this elated feeling whenever it's December. Whenever I realize that Christmas is just around the corner, I remember the old days when I used to watch Christmas movies and listen to Christmas songs. Eloise and Beauty and the Beast are the movies I remember prominently. I feel so nostalgic and I always remember that feeling of how it was then. The kind of feeling that is hard to come by again. I love how Christmas felt like then, but don't get me wrong. I still love celebrating Christmas now. It's the best holiday ever! And I remember a time when I went caroling with my friends and I remember putting up the lights and decorating the tree. Christmas is such a beautiful time! It's a time where everybody seems to be happier and more united. Tis a great season indeed!

There will be lots of dinner parties..any idea what that implies? FOOD! Yes. It's a time where people get fatter but who cares? So long as the food's delicious no one's complaining. :) I can almost picture myself in a room full of cakes and desserts and spaghetti and chicken and many, many more!

Another great thing about parties is that I can spend time with my family and relatives. It's kind of like a family reunion where everyone is gathered to celebrate Christmas. I get happy whenever we are all gathered. It's just a nice sight to behold everyone in one place with all the happy feelings that Christmas can produce in us.

And who can forget all those gifts? It's nice to receive presents from the people around us. But it's great if we can give gifts, the saying goes: It's better to give than to receive. Concerning what to give, I don't think that gifts have to be expensive. It's the thought that counts really. 

Keep the spirit of Christmas alive!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Unspoken Whimper

Damn and miserable
Alone and ignored
Sobbing, whimpering in the darkness
I, and I alone
gave warmth to myself.

I saw this short poem from a Lasallian publication. I regretfully wasn't able to get the author's name because I was in a hurry when I copied this.

I came across this a long time ago. It caught my attention and I kind of liked it because it was wonderfully written. It's a sad, lonely poem that speaks of a reality at some point of our lives. Don't you agree?