Friday, January 24, 2014

Attention and Existence

We all secretly wish that we could be someone amazing, famous, beautiful and unique. We'd like to be in the spotlight or at least let some people know of our existence. Others would do anything just to get that attention even if it meant making a complete fool of themselves. We all want to stand out.

There are people who seem completely at ease with everyone watching their every move. They are confident in what they do and they seem to be born to do it. They don't have a hard time getting people's attention and this is partly because they're attractive.

But there are others, too, who seem completely content just staying there in the corner. The quiet people who have no desire being the center of attention. They seem to have life figured out. And at times, they do get noticed by those around them. They're noticed for a lot of things-could be because of their timidity or the awesome-ness of being modest and kind or simply their quiet presence growing on people and finding them endearing.

And there are others too who wants to stand out but can't. The ones who'd like to be different, be amazing, popular and unique but end up blending in and be like everyone else. These are the people who lack the confidence to do just that. They want to stand out but is afraid of what'll happen when they do get there.

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