Monday, October 29, 2012

Emily Owens, M.D.

Okay, here's the thing... I've watched the first 2 episodes of Emily Owen, M.D. and so far I've liked them both. I guess this will be a new TV series I'll be following. I like it because it gives me an insight of what it's like to be working in a hospital. I don't know how true or relatable the show is to reality but I like how it makes me feel like I'm watching the events as if I'm really there. O......kay. I have no idea what I've just written.

Anyway, here's a quote that I like from the show:

"The thing about being an adult that no one tells you growing up is that you don't feel like an adult. All your stupid insecurities and anxieties are still there, only you feel more stupid and insecure about being stupid and insecure because you're not supposed to be stupid and insecure anymore. You're supposed to have the answers. You're supposed to know. But we don't always know. And those answers? They're not always easy to come by. Well you know what? I'm done feeling stupid and insecure about feeling stupid and insecure. The truth is, I think part of being an adult is that you stop waiting for yourself to change and you start to accept who you are."

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