Wednesday, November 29, 2017


Hi! It's been a while. It's been more than a year since I last visited this blog and now only a few weeks left 'til a new year begins. Life is funny, don't you think? Time keeps moving, waiting for nobody. It moves as it always has: forward, without stopping at all while we humans keep on struggling with life. I sometimes think we created concepts about time so as to have the illusion of being able to keep pace with life. We tell ourselves that time will heal all wounds or that there is a right time for everything when in fact it has nothing to do with time and has more to do with ourselves and our way of thinking. We can change things if we act on them. But in order to do so we will need a change in our way of thinking first. It's really amazing when we start seeing things in new perspectives. 

But I think I'm getting off topic here. What I want to talk is about YOUTH. As someone who has stripped the student status which I had for a long time and at the same time as someone who is tackling the life of a working woman, I find myself looking back on the years. It doesn't help that I'm fond of watching kdramas which happen to portray youth idyllically. I can't help but wish I had done more during my teenage years. To tell the truth, high school was not that great for me. Academically, I was good but not so much in other aspects. I couldn't express myself freely and felt awkward and uncomfortable around people. I was guarded and cautious. What I was afraid of, I don't know. I remember my friend giving a love letter to her crush (which I used to only see in manga/anime/shows) and as I look back on it now, I wish I had her courage. She was not afraid of rejection and had only done what she wanted to do. I wish I could also act on my feelings. Unlike her, I have so many regrets.

College was better. I found friends I could be myself and with whom I made fun and good memories with. But my studies were demanding and tough. I had a hard time balancing school, friends, family and other pursuits. In the end, I let go of some of my hobbies and found that I have not found what I am truly passionate about. I was more focused on my studies then to bother about anything else which I think is sad. This is not to say that my youth was wasted. There were many things I wish I could've done but there were also things I'm ever so grateful. 

But if I could give a message to my younger self, it is this: to enjoy youth. It’s only when you’re older and seeing the new generation of youths that you’ll realize it was the most beautiful, innocent, fearless and liveliest period of your life. Make the most of that time because you can never get it back once it passes by. Make sure you won’t look back regretting the things you didn’t do. Set your heart free. Don't hold back on your emotions.  Youth is a time where you can get away with most things, where you can do reckless but reasonable things, where you can freely express yourself any way you want without being held back by society’s restraints. It’s a time to enjoy life to the fullest. 

Don’t let fear stop you. Don’t let the fear of the unknown hinder you from exploring the world. Step out of your comfort zone and discover what life has to offer. Surprise yourself and others. Don’t let the fear of what people will think stop you from doing the things you want. Life is too short to abide by society’s idea of conformity. Take charge of yourself and see how much you’ve grown into a better, more learned person by going through all the challenges and experiences you’ve put up for yourself. 

Of course I'm not saying it's too late now. We must enjoy the present- the here and the now. There may have been regrets but we can make up for them now. Do the things we couldn't before. We should always choose to live in the present and make the most out of every day.