Friday, December 19, 2014

Parents as Precious Presents

When we were young, we looked up on our parents like they were some kind of god. They were perfect in our eyes and they couldn't possibly do anything wrong. We grew up obeying them because we have this conviction that they know what's best. But at some point, we become disillusioned and we come to see that they have their shortcomings, too. We start noticing their flaws and mistakes. But this is no reason for children to lose their respect for their parents. There is no book in the world that tells them exactly how to raise children perfectly. Parents just do their best to give their children all they need. And that is enough reason for us to respect them. They are amazing. Imagine just how hard it is raising a kid! We should never forget to thank our parents for everything they have done. They may not have given us everything we wanted but believe me, they gave their all just to provide for us.

They say children are God's gifts to parents. But the same can be said for parents. They are precious gifts given to us. We should appreciate them more and take care of them, too. We wouldn't be where we are now if it weren't for them.

Christmas 2014

You know what's the most wonderful time of the year? 


There is just something about this holiday that brings people together. There is magic in the air and you can just tell that it's really Christmas! 

Here's a Christmas song for this year: It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year by Andy Williams

Unlike the past 2 years, I won't be posting my Christmas wishlist. I've bought way too many books for my own good and my wallet's crying right now. Haha! I'll accept anything that comes my way. :) Oh, and I've just received the most wonderful gift this year from my aunt. I am so grateful that I won't ask for anything more this year.

Merry Christmas!