Sunday, October 5, 2014


I am at an age where I should be thriving, living the life, doing the things I want. I should be making fun memories that I can reminisce later on. But instead, my butt's stuck on the couch and I'm staring at a blank wall. I seem to be looking at life from where I'm sitting. I'm not actively participating in it. I've stopped trying and just let things fall wherever they may. This is bad. I've not made any effort at all to do something resembling close to productivity.

All the things I want to do I've set to a later time period with the excuse that I either don't have the money or I don't have the time right now. In the meantime, I just content myself with imagining all the things I'll do when the time comes which, let's face it, may or may never come.

I don't know when I've stopped trying. I just realized one day that I did. And I hope I'll find the drive to start living again. And this time for real.

Query 5

If you were given 3 wishes what would they be?

1. I wish to have all the books I want for free!

2. I wish for world peace. The world would be a better place if we all just get along and maybe then I wouldn't be so scared to be on my own.

3. I wish to travel the world! To go to all the places I want and more.