Saturday, November 30, 2013

Free as a Bird

Too often the thought that I'm free to do anything crosses my mind. There are no chains weighing me down to go places. There are no walls stopping me from doing things. The truth is the only thing standing between me and what I want to do is myself. It's so cliche, I know, but it's the truth.

I always find excuses as to why I can't do it yet. I console myself by thinking that someday in the near future, I'll be able to do just that because by then I'll have the resources I'll need. But who am I kidding? What does the future hold for me if I don't do anything now? I'll never grow and learn if I don't do something. I'm just wasting time.

You see, I envision myself trying out new things. Like I would try out yoga or baking or jogging or going on road trips! But I seem to always put them off for later. And my personality and attitude aren't really helping me out to achieve these things. I'm the shy type and kind of a masochist in a way. I'd just about tolerate anything if I can help it. I let opportunities pass me by.

So every once in a while, the thought that I am free do to anything crosses my mind and I'm struck by how very true it is. I mean I could do just about anything if I acted on it. The problem was I'd rather have things be handed to me than me going for them. Sad truth. I keep on wishing and wishing that I'll change but it wouldn't matter in the least if I don't try on acting on it. But I could always wish for a miracle.